... Larry Hartsell, Dan Inosanto, Mike Krivka April 7th ? 8th, 2007 8:00am to 4:00pm Registration Fee: $220.00 (Both Days) Pre-Registration Fee: $180.00 (On or Before February 28th, 2007) AIRTEL PLAZA HOTEL& CONFERENCE CENTER ...
Roger Agbulos, Bud Balani, Ron Balicki, Dino Flores, Dave Gould, Steve Grody, Arnold Noche, Phil Rapagna, Christopher Ricketts, Steve Tarani, Felix Valencia Honorary Guest: Rey Galang, Dan Inosanto, Larry Hartsell, Mike Krivka, ...
One of the compelling reasons for me to upgrade to INFO is the Google Map plugin. 1. It is slow (in comaparison to standalone .NET plugins available fro .NET) 2. I need to use different pins for d.